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My Story

I am Angela Grace.  I'm so glad you are here.  I have been on a health journey since 2016 and where it has taken me is truly incredible.  I have learned so much along the way including how to deal with anxiety and depression, no longer needing to drink alcohol each day to relieve stress, unlocking the incredible miracle that our bodies are, and the fact that getting to know Jesus our Savior is the most important component of getting and staying healthy.  God created us to have His peace and joy and it is up to us to protect and preserve that within our hearts and to pass that down to generations to follow.


I have always had anxiety and depression with me throughout my life.  It has just been a part of my experience.  Growing up, I was afraid of germs...a total germ freak up until 2020.  I did various research, took courses, and did various thought  work techniques and meditation, but the only place where I found true healing with this was next to Jesus.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14).  We are composed of viruses and bacteria and fungi that make up the intricacies of our miraculous bodies and the biomes that dwell in it.  Our biomes (gut and skin to name a few) are in constant contact with the world around us.  This is why it is important to know what your biomes are exposed to from the outside world which include a long list of toxins that are literally everywhere we turn-cosmetics, pesticides, herbicides, the water we drink, home cleaning supplies, in the air we breathe...they are everywhere BUT God!   Knowing all of  this is helpful, but it can also be a fear trap and can end up ruling your life, which is why understanding who Jesus is and why He came to this earth can be so very helpful when the grip of anxiety and worry about this toxic fallen world takes hold of us.  Isaiah 57:17 says "No weapon formed against thee shall prosper."  If we are believers, then the fear of  toxins is not something that we should allow into our hearts and minds. 


I was diagnosed with lumps in both of my breasts in the summer of 2018.  They were undetectable on a mammogram and yet I was still recommended to have surgery.  I politely and respectfully refused and told my doctor that I wanted to try a different approach and that I was being called to make drastic lifestyle changes.  One of these was to get rid of my daily beer or wine drinking habit.  I didn't drink to get drunk, I drank to relax...and let's just say that it wasn't helping.  My doctor was so wonderful about my decision even though that was not what she recommended.  So off I went with the support and guidance from a Naturopath to create a new way of living.  I had just become a Certified Health and Life Coach and so if I am a "master of habit change," then it was time that I walk the walk.  I quit drinking and found out that my liver wasn't metabolizing estrogen properly.  This was fascinating to me.  The journey to a healthier life hasn't bee an easy (take this pill) process.  Lifestyle changes can be challenging on our mental and emotional states, but it has been so worth it.   I learned so many incredible things about our miraculous bodies and I continue to live a health conscious lifestyle to this day (limited toxin exposure, all organic foods, good fats,  filtered and remineralized water, sunshine, and healthy sleep habits)  By the grace of God, the lumps went away in six months!!  I remember the look on my doctor's face and the shock I felt that this was truly happening.  She was speechless and so happy for me.  It was one of those awe filled serene moments in life.  It is my hope to this day that my case can be an example to her and that she might encourage other women that lifestyle changes, HIIT training, targeted nutrition and supplementation are incredible alternatives to surgery and other treatments.  


I then switched to a plant based life for two years.  It was incredible and I learned so much about cleansing, detoxing, and healing properties within fruits and vegetables.  What I also discovered while being completely plant based is that no matter what you are putting into your body, if your mind is overwhelmed by anxiety or worry, it honestly doesn't matter what you eat and your body is unable to digest it because of the inner stress taking place.  That was a tough pill to swallow.  I was doing everything I thought was right for me and by the summer of 2021, I was honestly a mess. I had to admit it and accept that changes needed to happen to supplement and nourish my body and to cool down the fire within me.  This is why I do not force what I choose to eat on anyone.  That is a personal decision and should be honored and respected.  I now incorporate meat regularly again and I feel stronger and more nourished.


I tried to build a coaching business for a few years  and I have helped many beautiful people along the way which has been wonderful.  As March of 2020 closed the world down, I was led to begin anew.  I am still a Coach at heart and absolutely love supporting people when life brings challenges and when our own thoughts about others and life create road blocks.  Our minds are so incredibly powerful and I learn this over and over again each day by the grace of God.  I was led to homeschooling in 2020 and I absolutely LOVE it.  Is it challenging?  YES!  Is it rewarding?  Double YES! I was also led to speak out for the importance of Medical Freedom.  Not every medicine or treatment is right for everyone just like a plant based lifestyle isn't for everyone.  I believe that if we lose our freedom to choose what goes into our bodies or not, then we lose our very sovereignty.  These are our bodies given to us by God and we should have the freedom to decide what medical treatments we choose.  It is just the natural way and I am all about natural and simple and lovely.


I can honestly say that the most significant shift to date is getting God and Jesus back at the center of my life.  I find myself speechless and in sheer awe in the presence of God on a daily basis and I choose to be in constant prayer for our world, humanity, our health, and our freedom.  The joy that I have in my heart is beyond powerful, and the peace that I feel when I am struggling  mentally and emotionally is beyond what I could ever try to understand.  To have unwavering peace within your heart when the world is in utter chaos around you or within your heart or mind is truly the greatest gift and I look forward to sharing more about all of this with you here.  After reading the entire Bible on my podcast Move Forth With Grace in 2022, my life completely changed.  


 My goal is for this website to be a resource for you and a place where you can feel supported.  I know that I would not be where I am today without the love and support and guidance of others that eventually led me to my final transformation, being reborn again in Christ.  What a beautiful thing it is.


 Do you have health question?  Have you had a recent diagnosis? Do you want more Jesus in your healing journey?  Please reach out to me here.  Let's set up a time to talk through it together. Thank you for being here.  Thank you for your love.


With love and joy,

         Angela Grace

Do not use the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website

Move Forth Coaching 2019

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